For a psychiatric center in Groningen, NPI supplied film for a pond around the building. When the capacity of the clinic was expanded several years ago, the new building created the desire for a pond along the building.
NPI lined the pond walls with 2.0 mm HDPE film. This involved a total of approximately 2,400 m2, delivered and processed under KIWA certification. NPI is KIWA certified for the processing of various films, thus meeting high international safety and quality standards. Delivery under the conditions set by KIWA was a requirement for this project and that is why we were allowed to carry out this project.
Besides supplying and welding the film, NPI also took care of the attachment of the film to the concrete, by applying stainless steel strips over a length of approximately 130 meters.

For more than 10 years, the NPI has been a familiar face at a beautiful holiday park at the Hoge Veluwe. We have seen the park develop from a camping and holiday park into a multifunctional recreation center. The location at the Veluwe characterizes the appearance of the park. But in addition to forest and heathland, guests will also find beautiful swimming ponds, waterways and other ponds at the holiday park.
Our team worked at the park dozens of times to waterproof the ponds and forest canals. The watertight film constructions that we realize ensure that the water level in the ponds and canals remains constant and that not much groundwater has to be pumped up. A constant and high water level ensures an optimal experience from the recreational accommodations.
Improving the bottom sealing of the ponds and the current forest canals remains of great importance to the park. For example, last week we traveled to the holiday park again to make the second part of the central canal watertight. We divided the water feature into 14 separate film panels that we welded together on site. The result is a beautiful, wide and watertight canel along the bungalows. Soon we will follow up on the bottom sealing of the water features in the park!

In Tiel, the Netherlands, our team covered infiltration boxes with PVC film. These permeable crates are part of a buffer field, installed under a large parking lot in an industrial area. In total, crates were covered over an area measuring 67 x 4 x 1,2 metres. Rainwater is buffered in these crates, after which it gradually infiltrates into the soil. The advantage of this system is that the sewage system is relieved because a part of the surface is disconnected. In addition, the collected water, if facilitated by the system, can be used for irrigation and flush water.
These infiltration boxes are on the rise. With a growing population, water use is increasing, but climate change is also causing more erratic weather with sometimes heavy rain showers with large amounts of precipitation. The boxes then offer a temporary way out for the large amount of rainwater to spare the sewage system. NPI has recently contributed to the installation of this type of infiltration crates in various places, including on roofs, parking lots, roof terraces, sports fields and in residential areas.

Over the past decades, NPI has supplied films for several sludge basins of the dredging and soil processing company Grobagroep at S&G in Harlingen. Due to the frequent mechanical supply and removal of sludge, the liners of a number of basins needs to be replaced, being at the end of its lifetime. Last week we started applying new film for a basin measuring approximately 40 x 30 metres.
As the storage of contaminated soil is involved, specific quality standards, requirements and regulations must be met. NPI is KIWA certified and hence we were allowed to deliver our services for this project of Grobagroep at S&G in Harlingen. We performed all activities under KIWA certification, complying with strict requirements of KIWA.
We expect to be back at Grobagroep later this year to line another sludge basin.

With the arrival of the new depot of the Boijmans van Beuningen museum in Rotterdam, the city of Rotterdam has decided to green the area around the depot. The plateau on which the depot is located will be enriched with nature paving, plant areas, trees and ponds. For this museum square a film construction was required, serving as sealing and as root barrier. NPI supplied this film construction via a partner.
The roof was first covered with a non-woven geotextile to protect the film layer above it. On top of this we placed root-resistant LDPE 1.0 mm film and our specialists welded it together on site, making the buffer field watertight. Crates with a substrate are then placed on the film, which together have a capillary effect. In this way, the vegetation can also draw on the water buffer during drought. Finally, 75 birch trees and other greenery have been planted on the roof pavilion.
The second phase of the project has recently started, in which a film construction has been supplied and installed for the other half of the plateau.
The depot with its enormous mirrored facade, the beautiful surrounding park and the panoramic roof at a height of 40 meters, is and will be a real crowd puller. Take a look!

The NPI applies plastic films in the civil engineering sector for many purposes, including for sealing, soil protection and groundwater management. A few years ago, the NPI manufactured and installed a film construction at a railway line in The Hague.
LDPE film has been applied under a new constructed railway track. The film panels were welded together on site and a closed basin was created by means of this LDPE film, which was hereafter filled with soil. The basin forms a barrier to the groundwater, thereby reinforcing and protecting the soil. Soil erosion is greatly reduced in this way. In addition, the film provides damping; it helps to reduce the vibration of trains.

A former factory location in Hilversum was redeveloped into a housing estate with family homes and two apartment complexes. To prevent any release of gas from the contaminated ground, NPI installed gas-resistant film as a base liner. This project consisted of multiple phases: over a period of three years, NPI visited on several occasions to weld the 2 mm HDPE films on location.

In 2015, NPI supplied a liner for a beautiful pond for a picturesque holiday park close to the Veluwemeer lake. The 1 mm PVC pond liner was prefabricated at our production location in Tzummarum. The film was supplied to the holiday park in sections and welded together on location. The high groundwater level meant that welding the pond liner on location was a challenge. However, the final result was a success!

During the dredging of the Twente Canal several years ago, a temporary sludge storage facility was required to store the resulting sludge. As a result, a sludge basin was constructed next to the bank of the Twente Canal, where sludge from the canal was stored during a two-year period. A smaller basin next to the main basin, for the collection of waste water, was also lined.
The smaller embankments were lined with LDPE film, which was prefabricated in six sections and welded together on location. With around two days of preparatory work in the factory and two days welding on location, a gigantic sludge basin was lined in a single working week.

The following project proves that the applications for our expertise are very diverse. On one occasion, NPI was able to provide a solution to the problem of the highly aggressive Japanese Knotweed. In Wageningen, a housing block was seriously affected by this invasive species.
To deal firmly with this unwanted plant, earth was dug out from several gardens. 6 mm HDPE sheets were installed on the sides of the excavated ground, and a 2 mm HDPE film installed on the base of the pit. Drainage was installed on top of this and the excavated ground replaced. This created a closed basin, which was then free of Japanese Knotweed.

NPI’s welding expertise extends to international projects, exemplified by our involvement in a phased project in Canada. Collaborating with a partner, NPI supplied liners for three water basins and multiple metal water storage tanks for a leading cultivator of shrubs, perennials, and conifers.
Upon the tanks and liners reaching the Canadian shores, our team made several oversea trips to supervise and assist in installation on-site. The 0.6 mm FPP film was applied in the basins, accompanied by the installation of bank protection and fittings. Additionally, a cover was implemented to maintain high water quality, preventing contamination and evaporation.

In Flanders, a poultry farmer conceptualized the conversion of chicken manure into biogas for electricity generation. A fully automated biogas plant was constructed, with NPI providing the films for a manure basin through a trusted partner.
This led to the establishment of the largest manure basin in Northern Europe. Featuring embankments of approximately 11 meters and covering an expansive 8000 m2, the basin has the capacity to store substantial quantities of manure. The film, prefabricated and supplied in sections was welded together on-site. The lower sheet, made from 1.0 mm ENPEX FPP, was complemented by a 0.75 mm ENPEX FPP upper sheet. Our KIWA certified film was used for both sheets.