Our Enpilon mole netting is the perfect solution to the problem of moles in the garden. Animal-friendly and durable! In summary, our mole netting is:
- Sturdy
- Flexible
- Easy to install
- Lightweight
- Easy to shape
- Long-lasting
- Mole friendly!
Enpilon mole netting protects lawns against molehills. It is also used to deter birds in churches and sheds. Finally, our product can also be found in cow sheds, where it is often combined with wind sheeting to deter birds.
To reduce nuisance from moles, mole netting can be installed under a newly laid lawn. The extruded mole netting is rolled out a few centimetres under the level of the turf before laying the lawn. It is animal-friendly, because the moles can still tunnel as before; they simply cannot reach the surface. To ensure that moles cannot tunnel under the lawn at all, the mole netting can be installed vertically under the lawn edge.
Quality and dimensions
Enpilon mole netting is made from UV stabilised polypropylene. We offer a heavier quality with a large mesh size (18 x 15 mm) and a lighter ECO quality with a smaller mesh size (12 x 12 mm). The mole netting is available in various widths in roll lengths of 200 metres. Our Enpilon mole netting is also easy to cut to shape.
Would you like to know more about our Enpilon mole netting? Please contact our sales team.